Are you wondering how to find out who is chatting with whom on WhatsApp? Well, in this article, we will tell you how to check if someone is typing to you or reading your message. You will also learn how to reply to a specific message in a group chat. We will also show you how to edit the text of a WhatsApp message and how to reply to a specific message in a group chat.
How to find out if someone is chatting with you
Do you ever wonder how to check if someone is chatting with your children on WhatsApp? It’s not easy to get your hands on this information – after all, best spy apps for android on another person’s correspondence is against the law. However, parents sometimes need to know their children’s activities on the platform, so they can stop any dangerous conversations in time. There are a few ways you can do this.
The first way to know if someone is chatting with you on your partner’s WhatsApp account is to ask for permission. Once you have obtained permission, you can secretly access the target device. To do this, you should first open Settings. Then, select “Data and Storage Usage”. Once you do this, you will see the contact details and the amount of storage they’ve used.
How to find out if someone has read your message
If you’ve ever wondered if someone has read a message that you sent them on WhatsApp, the simple way is to check for the blue tick on the recipient’s chat history. However, you can turn off the blue tick in WhatsApp if you want to remain anonymous. Alternatively, you can check for the voice messages that your recipients have read by checking their “Read” status. This method is not recommended for confidential messages, since it may be considered intrusive.
One way to check if someone has read your WhatsApp message is to send a voice message to the recipient. To do this, you must open WhatsApp on your phone and select the option for Read Receipts. Once this is selected, wait for the double ticks to turn blue. If they don’t, the recipient’s message hasn’t been read. However, if you want to hide someone’s read receipts, there’s a third way to check if someone has read your message: through the use of voice recordings.
How to edit text in a WhatsApp message
While WhatsApp doesn’t have a full-featured text editor, you can format your message in different ways. You can choose bold or italic font, strikethrough, and asterisks to format your text in a more appealing manner. In addition, WhatsApp lets you add a tilde or strikethrough to make it stand out from the rest of the text.
To highlight any text, you can select it with the selector tool, which appears on the left side of your chat window. Next, click on the three-dot icon to see a list of formatting options. This will display asterisks, bold, italics, and tildes. Choose the one that fits your style and click “Edit” to change your text.
How to reply to a specific message in a group chat
How do you reply to a specific message in a WhatsApp group chat? Simply type your reply into the text box next to the original message and then press send. You can also choose to copy and paste a specific message by pressing three dots and long-pressing on it. Here are some steps to follow:
First, ensure that your group chat has at least three people. This way, you won’t have to worry about your phone vibrating or ringing all the time. Once you’ve selected the group chat, you can reply to specific messages. To do so, simply select the group chat and tap the screen to access the options menu. From here, you can highlight, bold, or strikethrough the message.